Sunday 9 August 2009

sejarah anarkisme asia

berikut bahan bacaan (dlm bhs inggris) soal sejarah anarkisme baik sebagai ide maupun penerapannya di asia..selama 100 tahun terakhir....

di dalamnya berisi kumpulan berita dan sejarah anarkis di cina, korea, jepang dan tempat2..lain....

semoga banyak bermanfaat dan lebih memahami kendal2 yang dihadapi pergerakan ini di benua dimana kita berdiri.....


klik link di bawah ini:

This site contains articles from Libero International, a journal published by CIRA-Nippon from 1974 to 1980. Although CIRA-Nippon and its journal no longer exist, I have posted these articles to help English speaking radicals learn about the history of Asian anarchism and to preserve the memory of CIRA-Nippon, one of the more remarkable projects in recent anarchist history.

I received the copies of Libero International from Phillip Billingsley, who was active in CIRA-Nippon. I have posted these articles with his permission. I have not attempted to copy the aesthetic of the original Libero International in the design of this site.

Chuck Morse
May 25, 1999

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